The Terms and Conditions of participation are simple.
This is a website not an organized sailing event. It's for fun. There is no entry fee. The prizes are of no monetary value. There will be no profit.
If you sail around the route we've defined we'll calculate the fastest times overall and on handicap based on the uploaded GPX files. We make no money from this. It's just cool. If you do the route you become part of the cool gang.
More importantly, there is no set time to enter, no starting or finishing committee, no safety boat, no eyes looking after you other than ones you organize yourself.
You are responsible for your safety on the water. Safety is YOUR responsibility. There's always another day to sail the course. Getting into trouble because you're trying to get a fast time would be bad seamanship and plain dumb. Do NOT sail if you're not able to handle the conditions. And check the tides around the island BEFORE you set sail. Also, as with all other sailing from Dun Laoghaire harbor, do NOT obstruct commercial traffic. Check the times and make sure you're clear.
It's theoretically possible to cheat in things like this. You could make a fake GPX file or something. We'll probably figure it out if you do 'cos we're pretty smart too. Don't try it!
Results for the Bragging Rights Cup are based on the fastest time around the course.
Results for the Handy Sailor Silver Salver are based on time corrected according to the event handicap structure.
For dinghies and small keelboats the basis is their PY rating. For other classes we will use ratings calculated from the IRC, ORC or other formal rating system.
If necessary we will make estimated ratings for unusual boats. For simplicity, Keane and Sheehy are the ultimate arbiters on rating. You can suggest things, but they decide.
Event format is Copyright Keane & Sheehy 2012.
© 2012 Keane/Sheehy